Get your liver cleanse with Grapefruit
And recover your health!

Text : Florencia Serrot

Lately, we have been getting pretty geeky with Hippocrates and its approach to medicine as a preventive thing. Sickness is a sign that something is not working correctly and since the organs cannot talk, they express themselves through symptoms to let us know that they are in deep trouble. Basically what Hippocrates said is if you keep your body clean, mainly through what you put in your mouth, then all the organs should work fine enough to not come up with what we call sickness. On his eyes, the core of the question is a disbalance on the organs that we have to bring back to balance. With changes on the habits, going towards a healthier direction and cleanse, cleanse and more cleanse to keep the organs working well.

Unfortunately, what we find in the supermarkets has little to do with what the Greek classics used to see in their groceries. And  how this information is usually all kept hidden from the common people so that the pharma industry can work their millions nonstop with lobbyism and stuff, for years we just have been doing what everybody does. We feel sick and go to the pharmacy and buy some drugs which won´t cure but will cover the symptoms for a while. But searching for different answers and tired of working with medicine that didn´t cure we have gone a bit deeper into research for new options.  That´s how we got into all this liver thing, through a candidasis and a skin rashes. Specially when my TCM -traditional chinese medicine- doctor said: your liver is blocked, and in consequence the kidneys too. We have to work on the yang energy. And then she started working with her acupuncture. That´s how it all began.

Are you feeling tired, have weird allergies, or chronic illnesses that don’t seem to go away forever? Welcome to the club! Once you have tried traditional medicine – also called drugs you buy at the pharmacy- and get only temporary results, it might be the time you will have to look for the source of the problem and not put on any longer band-aids that work temporarily . That means: help your body to get back in track.

So we tried this liver cleanse that we did at home after consulting with our homeopathic doctor.  First you clean your guts, and then you go for the liver. You can google it to get more info and buy the products online that you need , which are Epsom salt & ornithin and at home you will have to prepare a mix of grapefruit and olive oil that you will have to drink before you go to bed. And this all happens during the night, so, from the next morning on,  you will be helping your body and liver to cleanse and take out all small stones that are blocking your health.

Slowly and doing the cleanses every month until no more stones come out, all the chronic symptoms you had will start to disappear. At least is what is happening to us since our symptoms were related to having a problem at that specific organ, which you will recognize by being moody, having a lack of energy, persistent skin rashes and eczema or allergies among other things. We are no doctors @SmartVolta but we love to experiment other options to take care of our bodies through natural medicine. As creative people, we have to assume that our careers are long-term “marathons,” and we should watch out that our levels of energy are where at they should be. In case you decide you want to do this cleanse, which we recommend you – is working amazingly for us-, please go to a homeopathic doctor and follow their advice. We are happy to have our weak liver relieved from this mess and stones. Poor thing. And now the energy is back. Step by step, helping our body to recover the balance is the best way to get back to a healthy & high energy frequency modus. Hippocrates, thank you!



















