Pics: S. Holt, Marley White & Joe Buglewicz
Text: Florencia Serrot
Craaaazy how Citi Bike has changed NYC. Suddenly the fact of moving around wasn´t a hassle but a pleasure. Oh my God, jump in one of those bikes, which are perfect for the city, a chopper bike feeling made by a dutch company, and cruise. Your eyes will get so many visual inputs that you won´t believe it. Go on and ride from the east village all the way to the high Line Park at the Meatpacking district and meet some friends for a walk in the park. And after that have lots of fun while enjoying all the good looking people at the gallery openings of the area, after crossing Manhattan from east to west.
And you will love it. And become addicted to it.
In the morning, the bikes are taken by the people going to work faster than hot & yummy croissants in Paris.
In just a year of public service, Citi Bike, has changed the vibe of the city in a massive way. For Goooddd!
The best thing to do to enjoy the service is download the app to check out where are free bikes around the point where you are. Unless you are living there, you will use your credit card to pay 9,95 dollars for a 24 hours service, not expensive at all thinking all the commutes you will do while being in NYC.
Remember that every 30 minutes you will have to switch the bikes in case you want to use them longer…But the thing we recommend you the most is to have a ride at night. All the skyscrapers are lighten up, and you will blend in the city life: among the taxis, skateboard riders and the Big Apple unique atmosphere. A unique & mega cool visual experience.