Shop — Madrid

El Jardín Del Convento
Pastries from the Spanish Convents

A delightful place in one of the most beautiful corners of Madrid. Next to the Plaza de la Villa, in the back of the Corpus Christi Monastery of S. XVIII, the nuns have rented this space to two lovely angels. Isabel  is the angel entrepreneur.

The Jardín del Convento specializes in sweets of convents and monasteries of Spain. It’s a deli in heaven, but do not think of Santa Teresa yolks and Bones of Saints only. Innovation and experimentation have also reached the walls of our churches. We are in the era of marzipan 2.0.

Before opening the store in February last year, Isabel traveled through the villages of Spain to prove the sweets produced by the nuns. Everything is tested by the sky of her palate. If something did not like, was not taken to her garden (Jardín in spanish).
Isabel´s favorite  products are as attractive as gelatins of orange blossom, jasmine and roses that Seville nuns produce with a transparent texture that has petals of flowers. The nuns Clarisas of Belorado, in Burgos, give us a tempting treat of orange bars wrapped in chocolate. There is also a male representation with the Cistercian monks who make jams made from pears in wine and carrots with cinnamon.

There are many so many sweets to discover : Delights of Nuts, Carolinas (like brownies with traces of orange) and turrones and marzipan throughout the whole year. In all the products, all the ingredients are carefully listed. All natural. There are even some sweets for Celiacs.

P.S:  Isabel is open to you discover the religious sweet pastries of your region.  They will contact them, and if they like your proposal, they will find a gap on their shelves.

And, no, you do not have to be a believer to get in!



El Jardín Del Convento

28005 MADRID
+34 91 541 22 99

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